About me

After many years of hectic professional life and raising a family, I have retired and can now choose how I spend my days without many ”must do:s”. This is a huge chance to learn and experience new things. I do appreciate my new freedom.

My last position was as a senior adviser on International Climate Change issues at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency meant travelling around the world due to the UN international negotiations and when I retired I bought a little cottage and settled down in a fishing village on the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Winters I normally spend i Stockholm, Sweden which gives me a possibility to see family and friends but also to enjoy city life.

During my career I have also led a section of the Swedish EPA focusing on Sustainable Production and Consumption. We were exploring tools and policy measures steering towards more sustainable ways of living. I met lots of dedicated people: researchers at Universities, product-/process developers, marketers etc from the business world, educators, civil servants and many more categories that joined forces to find solutions to the problem of unsustainability. There were of course also some opponents or rather sceptics, but they were few. I am so grateful for all these years of stimulating work with colleagues and others. It is great to know that the work is being carried on by others.

I  was also engaged in  hands on work as a product- and process developer for 10 years for  a major Swedish Food Producer.

I have three children, who are the joy of my life and a cat and a dog who are also contributing to my wellbeing.

As I now have entered a new stage of my life, it has been possible for me take up an old interest i.e. Gardening. My experiences from my efforts creating a garden will be the main theme of my blog. I will not be able to limit myself to this subject though. The issues that I have been engaged in during my working days will probably also pop up. And I love art, cooking etc. You are most welcome to follow my blog and also give feedback on my posts.

There is a comments function on the site and you can also reach me directly


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