Health program week 2
The assignment for the second week of my health program is to avoid (stop) eating white bread and also to eat less bread. This will probably be more difficult than the assignment for the first week, which was to avoid added sugar. I like to have a few slices of bread with some cheese with my morning coffee. I found a linseed wholemeal bread at my grocer's, which works quite well. I will miss the baguettes though! Well, I suppose you can sin now and then and skip the regime at festive events.Today we are celebrating my son's birthday. I found a recipe on a cake without any wheat flour and no sugar. I hope it will taste OK. It looked nice anyway. I will post a picture of it and the recipe, if it tastes as good as it looks on the picture.
The reason for avoiding wheat flour is the same as the reason to avoid added sugar namely to stabilize blood sugar levels. So far I think that it has worked quite well. I rarely feel hungry and I feel more energetic. I can see some effect on the scales as well -2 kg in 10 days. Not bad, even if most of the reduced weight loss will be due to less water being retained in the body. Carbs make you swell!
Spring has arrived in Stockholm, very much earlier than normal. The sun is shining so I do feel like taking a walk in the sunshine.
We have still to wait a month or two for the spring flowers to emerge and the forest anemones to cover the ground. But we now see snowdrops and crocuses budding.
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