Less weight and more energy
You may remember that I earlier mentioned about a book promising a healthier life for those who went along with a 12 week program aiming at changing ones habits and lifestyle into a healthier one.
Week 1 and 2
The first steps were to stop eating added sugar and white bread. This I have managed to do more or less without any problem.
Week 3
The next steps were to eat more vegetables, berries and herbs. This I did with delight!
Week 4
Also eating more fish and other seafood I do enjoy, so that has not been any difficulty. The advice to cut down on hydrogenated fat and saturated fat, has maybe not been so easy to follow. The hydrogenated stuff is no problem to avoid, I usually don't use margarine, but butter I use in moderate amounts when baking and cooking. I think I will continue doing so!
Week 5
The next food stuffs to cut down on or stop eating altogether were white rice and pasta. We love pasta and quite like rice as well, so this has been more of a challenge. We have not totally stopped eating pasta, but eat it more seldom. I found a multigrain mix that we like and substitute the rice with.
Week 6
The next step has been to eat root vegetables, raw food, garlic, ginger and probiotics. All this we love, so no problem.
Home made probiotics - fermented vegetables |
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